Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Extraterrestrial Bases on Mars

I have located extraterrestrial bases on Mars and will be showing imaging inside of them beginning with this series. The first image is of extraterrestrials in hibernation mode with cable equipment plugged into the top of their heads. Where the red line is in the first image is the location of an extraterrestrial's hand on the shoulder of another extraterrestrial standing in front of them. Pretty remarkable imaging and proof of extraterrestrial colonization of Mars. The source imaging that I used for this analysis was from the European Space Agency (ESA).

In the next image from the same room on the right side is an extraterrestrial with a bowl-shaped device plugged into their head. I have it highlighted also with a red line for easy viewing. It may be how they sleep or possibly to get their brains reprogrammed by AI or for some other reason.


The next images are a pan out of the location to show the entire room, one color filtered for easier viewing.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Extraterrestrial Crew Area in Color

 You can see from this image that the extraterrestrials have excellent space management in their ships.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Asteroid YR4 From a Different Image Source

 This closeup of Asteroid YR4 was completed from using a different image source. Notice the hourglass shape of the asteroid, similar to a bowling pin.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Attention Human Scientists - Consider Yourselves Informed

It's time to work through that cognitive dissonance, you know like the dissonance of reading some new scientific report where human science tells us that alien life cannot survive traveling to our planet via their own solar system far, far, far away. It's impossible they say.

Well, the US Navy captured an image of a UAP in the North Atlantic that emerged from underneath the Atlantic Ocean, probably from a deep-sea base in the ocean here on Earth.

It's time for face-to-face introductions. Greetings and welcome to Earth.

Try not to fear the truth of what is in the following images. The extraterrestrials have dozens of different advanced species working together in an alliance. Right. Here. On. Earth.


That's a lot of them, you are thinking. No, that is just a one-meter closeup of one small part of their ship. This is the definition of a lot of them with the next image pan out of them.

There is more proof of extraterrestrial life in these two images than all human derived information gathered in human history. Study it well.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Extraterrestrial Star Fleet Crew - Oumuamua

This image is a section of Oumuamua that I had to spend considerable time with to defeat the extraterrestrial's stealth technology. It gives an outstanding view of them and their technology. This is a multi-species alliance of extraterrestrials studying Earth as their ship passed by at approximately 15 million miles away before accelerating out of the solar system.

The good news is that there is more than one species of extraterrestrials on this ship, which culturally speaking for planetary security purposes means it will be more than likely that one or more of these species would protest an attack upon Earth since humans are routinely shooting at their ships in various locations around the world.

You will notice that they sit inside containers and their technology uses an integration with their biological bodies which more than likely is artificial intelligence based, like the multiple species at Cygnus KIC 8462852 that we have provided imaging for after detecting them. They are also humanoid with two eyes, two ears and a mouth like we have, but slightly different. This indicates that they have evolved naturally as a species under similar conditions that humans have evolved on Earth, or a batch of them came to Earth long ago and that is where we came from. We'll sort all of that out later, eventually.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Space Shuttle Columbia STS-107 Anniversary

On February 1, 2003, we lost our precious space shuttle Columbia on the STS-107 mission as the shuttle was returning to Earth. To commemorate this anniversary, I looked at an image of the shuttle approximately two seconds before it exploded in orbit. Inside the shuttle I saw the astronauts and they were not in distress at the time of the incident, and more importantly didn't suffer from the incident as it happened.

There are two astronauts sitting next to each other looking out a window. I have marked the location with a red line to make it easier to find. It was their final moment working together and representing NASA and the American people in space.


This is the source image that I used.

Extraterrestrial Bases on Mars

I have located extraterrestrial bases on Mars and will be showing imaging inside of them beginning with this series. The first image is of e...

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