Saturday, July 9, 2022

Oumuamua: Closeup Of The Extraterrestrial Crew

Here is another closeup of some of Oumuamua's extraterrestrial crew members. Be sure to look back at my previous blog posts for more great imaging of the extraterrestrials visiting Earth and our solar system. At this time I believe that I have located two sources of these advanced intelligent beings, specifically KIC 8462852 in Cygnus, and EPIC 204278916 which is 400 light years from Earth itself. These intelligent beings are not originating from our solar system. Click on the images to enlarge them for your computer monitor.

Here is the same area slightly closer so that you can see deeper into the extraterrestrial work area. The extraterrestrials are using robotic automation mixed in with living crew members or a combination between the two organism types.

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Extraterrestrials Gathered And Viewed At One Meter Distance - Legendary Proof Of Extraterrestrial Life Studying Earth

Just to give you direct scientific visual evidence of what the human race is facing, here is an image unlike any other yet published. Click ...

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