Monday, September 26, 2022

Extraterrestrial Alliance Watching Earth

Here is a nice view of a multispecies extraterrestrial crew working with their technologies while others are seated watching and studying Earth. Perhaps they are getting ready to invite humans to join their space alliance.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Extraterrestrials Mapping US Capital Class Assets

Here is a nice closeup view of extraterrestrials inside one of their smaller ships that was mapping US strategic nuclear missile silos recently. In this image there are dozens of them with their equipment. They have a multi-species alliance like what we would see in a Star Fleet on Star Trek. None of their equipment has made in the USA on it, nor made in China. This isn't human technology at all.

If anyone finds one single human on these ships, let me know. Thanks. I have found none.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Extraterrestrial Sitting Inside A Container

It is standard operating procedure for some species of extraterrestrials to sit inside containers as they fly their ships. Here is a good image of them doing that and a closeup of the equipment.

Friday, September 2, 2022

New Ultra-High Frequency Scans Of Extraterrestrials

I wanted to share with my readers a new technique I am developing to create ultra-high frequency scans of the extraterrestrials working at their computer consoles on their ships. This scan was done using data taken by the Pannstars 1 telescope in Hawaii of Oumuamua.


James Webb Cygnus Image

Well, it is good news that they are using the Webb telescope to look at Cygnus. 👍 

Extraterrestrial Bases on Mars

I have located extraterrestrial bases on Mars and will be showing imaging inside of them beginning with this series. The first image is of e...

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