Monday, November 14, 2022

Extraterrestrial Tech Interface Integration With Artificial Intelligence

The extraterrestrials have made the leap between using separate tech terminals as we use computer systems to interface their bodies with computer hardware directly to connect it to an artificial intelligence source. The image below of them using this technology as a group is the best example of seeing how this works.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Foreign Drones, Trash In The Sky, Weather Balloons And Swamp Gas

 The lies keep coming in reports released to the public. Let's look at the truth, the truth of the extraterrestrial multispecies alliance watching Earth.

Extraterrestrial Bases on Mars

I have located extraterrestrial bases on Mars and will be showing imaging inside of them beginning with this series. The first image is of e...

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