Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Part 3)

Please read the posts The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Parts 1 and 2) before this article to catch up.

One of the problems with digesting this proven science once seeing it is that people have been listening to state-sponsored declarations for decades that extraterrestrials do not exist. The special relationship between western scientists and government in this regard is also very unhelpful. You actually have scientists out there almost every day being interviewed claiming that extraterrestrials do not exist and there is no evidence for it. Another example, just the other day the Pentagon spokeswoman said that the entire American defense establishment has no evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Clearly, it is like the inquisition has returned. The only advice that I can give as a scientist is simply to ignore the propaganda and focus on the science, which is exactly what we are doing right here on this blog.

Now, when looking at the Cygnus Dyson Sphere up close, there is no denying its technological foundation and creation by highly advanced extraterrestrial species working together. Many of them. Millions of them. More than likely tens of billions overall.

This next image is what the exterior of the Cygnus Dyson Sphere looks like in a small area sample. Click on the image to enlarge it to your computer monitor.

Now, using the same image, I have highlighted an area with a red line where there are extraterrestrials sitting together inside a tube structure with windows looking outward. In a future blog entry, I will be posting closeups of them so that you can see what they look like.

The tube may be a ship that is docked or a break area for some of the crew of the Cygnus Dyson Sphere. The surface of the Cygnus Dyson Sphere, as you can see with your own eyes, is a technological and architectural wonder. There are layers of panels one on top of another with devices and storage tanks neatly compressed into virtually every space. It is a massive space facility that likely required billions of tons of equipment and materials to build.

There is one very important scientific fact to remember about this. The data from Cygnus KIC 8462852 takes approximately 2,500 to 3,000 years to reach Earth given the distance of the star from our solar system. 

All of the extraterrestrials then in this imaging are likely long gone by now and have expired. But the facility more than likely remains and is perhaps much larger. The technology the extraterrestrials are using will also be 3,000 years more advanced today than what we are seeing in this imaging.

Let that stir your mind as I prepare the next post in this series which will show you a sample of the extraterrestrial species in the space station that I captured through an observation area on the Cygnus Dyson Sphere.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Part 2)

 Please read The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Part 1) before proceeding with this entry.

Now that elevation was detected in the structure facing Earth from Cygnus KIC 8462852, it is important to familiarize with what is being seen. The elevation contrast distance can be seen in the light areas compared with the dark areas.

We want to see the closest areas of the extraterrestrial Dyson Sphere facility, so we filter the facility to see the details and then bring the facility closer for analysis without compromising the imaging data.

Moving closer.

Now we want to carefully move in even closer to see if we can see any part of the facility that is not possible to occur in nature. We are looking for any sign of intelligent design. With this extraterrestrial facility, the signature of intelligent design spans its entire formation. In the image below, I have isolated those areas with red boxes. You will see within the red boxes circular nodules that are formed into patterns. That proves intelligent designed. Behold.

You can click on the image to enlarge it on your computer monitor to see it in detail.

One of the patterns looks like petals of a flower. Let's bring it forward to look at it more closely.

Not only is it an intelligent pattern, but it also has multiple colors. This is precisely what we would expect to see in space in a facility created by extraterrestrial species. Oxygen. Photosynthesis. Water vapor. Life. Not just a small amount of life, but life on a very vast and sophisticated scale.

Next up in the follow-on post of The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Part 3), the closeup of the exterior of the extraterrestrial space station.

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Part 1)

I theorized that light traveling from any distant star outside of our own solar system could be treated as a form of data transmission from the source due to the fact that we can see a distant star's light with our own eyes here on Earth, and the development of commercial products that produce the same effect such as fiber optic cables. That is the easiest way to think about what distant stars are doing when their light generation is traveling across the universe and crossing the paths of planets like Earth.

The first candidate for this theory was Cygnus KIC 8462852 because an astronomer named Tabetha Boyajian observed that the star was dimming in measurable cycles that could not be explained. Some input into why this dimming occurred was dust surrounding the star, the potential that a sun disk in early star formation was causing the light transmission from the star to dim periodically, that there was a large debris field or asteroid belt causing the dimming, or even the potential for a Dyson Sphere to be operating near the star which would cause the dimming as some of the explanations. Now, for a star to dim to the degree that KIC 8462852 was dimming, years ago I decided to approach the unanswered question as an intelligent highly advanced extraterrestrial species or alliance of extraterrestrial species working together and building a Dyson Sphere near the star, much to the consternation of western science.

The best way to prove it, as I have done, is to show images of it from start to finish so you can see for yourself. Let's travel to Cygnus KIC 8462852 and see it together.

This is the source image that I used which was derived from a professional telescope based on Earth that was taking images of the Cygnus region and publishing the images in databases. I have Cygnus KIC 8462852 in the red box.

Then I isolated the candidate star before processing it to determine what was causing the dimming of the star.

The next step was to carefully zoom in on the star without damaging the data we were looking for, so we wanted to avoid any pixelation from the professional telescope image. This would allow us to create unlimited primary source working slides of the image to test our imaging technology and procedures to refine and enhance them. 

With the primary working source image above, the next sequence in the analysis took years to develop. Basically what I wanted to do initially was to reduce the sunlight emitted from Cygnus KIC 8462852 in such a way as to reveal what was facing Earth without being drowned out by the sunlight. I surmised if there was a facility there built by extraterrestrials, the facility would have multiple layers of elevation which could be focused upon using our imaging procedures. So I spent a long time working on this problem but accomplished it with success.

Phase One

Phase Two

Phase Three

Now we can see what is in front of the star without the star's own light drowning it out. You have to remember that light completely embraces matter, so to see heavy mass satellites like planets, moons and other objects like Dyson Spheres in detail down to the meter, you have to filter the background light to reduce the source light. In the image you can clearly see the elevation of intelligently designed structures facing Earth at the time the source image was taken. I say that in advance because the next series of images I am going to show you will prove the extraterrestrial origin.

Not only that, in a follow-on post I am going to show you the extraterrestrials themselves working inside the facility they have built down to a one-meter scale. This will be the first time in the history of the human race that this information will be seen, so make sure to read the next parts of this blog entry. I am going to publish the image of the extraterrestrials inside an observation area of the Dyson Sphere.

This scientific article will continue with The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Part 2).

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