Tuesday, July 26, 2022

USS Theodore Roosevelt GIMBAL Extraterrestrial Crew

In 2014 - 2015, US pilots flying over the Atlantic Ocean conducted visual recordings of UFOs. One such incident recorded was called GIMBAL. The pilots that witnessed the events were attached to the aircraft carrier strike group, the USS Theodore Roosevelt. I am going to post images of the crew of the GIMBAL extraterrestrial ship in response to US Air Force General Glen VanHerck's announcement that he has never seen a UFO or any extraterrestrials. As the Commander of NORAD, General VanHerck deserves to see with his own eyes the visitors to our planet from distant solar systems in our galaxy. We are pleased to provide the information.

Here is some of the extraterrestrial crew inside GIMBAL. I spent a considerable amount of time looking for "Made in USA" tags inside the GIMBAL ship, but there was none. There isn't any human created symbols of any kind inside the ship. When looking at the images I am going to post on GIMBAL, if you find any "Made in USA" stamps anywhere, by all means, let me know.

One important detail about these ships that I have noticed when looking inside them is the sheer amount of computer screens they have that they are using to transmit communication's data to other extraterrestrials in other locations. That means the ships have communications emissions that are so far to this point undetected, or publicly stated that such communications are undetected. Nonetheless, they are communicating with video feeds, so communications are happening.

I am not seeing any US Air Force patches on their uniforms and space suits. I am also not seeing any US Navy insignia or emblems. I have also not found any evidence whatsoever that their equipment was made in any other country. Some of the crew are pretty tiny too so I don't think they would qualify to join the US military because of the height requirements.

The next image is the GIMBAL ship after I removed the extraterrestrial's stealth technology.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Oumuamua: HD View Of Extraterrestrial Crew Workspace

The following image is a crew compartment workspace on Oumuamua that is fully staffed by different extraterrestrial species and advanced artificial intelligence autonomous robots. After defeating the extraterrestrial stealth technology which they hide behind, I ran the image in infrared to bring out the details in HD. I have included the infrared image slide as the second image below. Click on the images to enlarge them. You can literally see the buttons on their equipment, their space suits, and most importantly, what they look like. Most of them appear to be humanoid with slightly different physical compositions than humans. This might mean they evolved on planets in foreign solar systems with conditions close to what Earth features. You can make your own determinations about that after viewing this amazing scientific evidence.

Here is the infrared image slide that I used to see everything in this section of their ship once I removed their stealth technology.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Say Goodbye To The Fermi Paradox

Words will not be needed to disprove the Fermi Paradox idea. We'll let science do the talking.

Oumuamua: Extraterrestrial Command

There is more proof of extraterrestrial life in the following two images than in the entirety of all information released by every single government combined in the history of human civilization.

The first image is in grey scale to show how I look at areas of the extraterrestrial ships using professional telescope data sources from universities. The source data I use is not from backyard hobby telescopes and cellphone cameras. Cellphone cameras are one of the most difficult imaging sources to work with because of the poor quality of images produced by them. Antiquated black and white 8 MM film using antique cameras is of much better quality than modern cellphone cameras.

In this image there is a cluster of extraterrestrials looking at Earth as they are being filmed by the PannStars 1 telescope based on Earth. I processed this imaging. Click on the image to enlarge it full screen on your high-definition computer monitor.

In the next image I have taken the grey scale image and ran it in infrared to see the extraterrestrials that have a natural camouflage or some type of advanced technological augmentation to hide because they are shy. I also use infrared to see their ambient light sources which their computer equipment and other technology produces.

As you look at these images, remember that you are looking inside a highly advanced interstellar spaceship flying past the Earth at approximately 15 million miles away that western science for years has claimed is nothing more than a rock in space. I have no answer for western science's official position on these matters. Using science, I just provide proof of extraterrestrial life in the universe.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Oumuamua: Extraterrestrial Looking Out Of A Window

Here is a nice facial of an extraterrestrial onboard Oumuamua looking out an observation window. He has humanoid features with what appears to be a respirator covering his nose.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Oumuamua: Humanoid Extraterrestrial

Here is a nice image of a humanoid extraterrestrial onboard Oumuamua. There is a large presence of artificial intelligence onboard the ship as well and we will also be looking at that. The artificial intelligence capability of the extraterrestrials is very advanced and uses radical technology.

Here is a pan out of the same location on Oumuamua to show the extraterrestrials working with their equipment and the large artificial intelligence capability on the ship.

Infrared reflectivity of artificial intelligence.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Oumuamua: Looking Deep Inside The Ship

After penetrating the extraterrestrial's stealth technology on Oumuamua, I am now moving much deeper into the ship and extracting high definition, high detail imaging of the crew and their technology. Just center-left in this next image is an extraterrestrial wearing a space helmet and secured inside a container for what may be some type of hibernation equipment. All around are other members of the crew and as I zoom in the images are just breathtaking and never seen before in human history. In the coming weeks you will see images of the extraterrestrials that will simply take your breath away. Click on the images to enlarge them on your computer monitor for full screen viewing.

Argentina Military Aircraft UFO Encounter

A special thanks to the military of Argentina for releasing the film of this UFO encounter. This is the source frame from the film that I us...

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