Monday, April 17, 2023

Extraterrestrial Communications Center

Using professional telescope data, I have located an extraterrestrial datacenter that appears to be used as a communications center. It is fully staffed by extraterrestrials and operational as you can see in the image. The image is in color for better viewing. No entity on earth at any level has ever seen the extraterrestrials like this before. This is breakthrough human science in action, a beautiful glimpse of the extraterrestrial alliance working together.

Photonic Radar Scan Of Extraterrestrials

Using existing imaging taken by professional telescopes, the following image is of extraterrestrials and their equipment processed using a photonic radar scan concept. No, we are not going to provide the scientific method of doing it. Yes, we will be providing cutting edge imaging of extraterrestrials visiting Earth through this method in the future so be sure to visit often.

When you view this image, it becomes clear just how laughable titled scientists are when they boast in print and on television that humans are alone in the universe, and mock everyone that knows otherwise.

Superb Imaging Proof That Avi Loeb Is Right

I let the images of the extraterrestrials prove the scientific points. They hide behind a form of ambient light technology that conceals them with stealth. There were thousands of them onboard Oumuamua as it passed through our solar system. Here is a cluster of them in a compartment aboard the ship, in detail. Enjoy.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Dozens Of Extraterrestrials In Space Suits Visiting Earth

I have been looking for the outgassing that the top leading scientists in the world are now saying is what caused the propulsion for Oumuamua leaving our solar system, but all I keep finding are these extraterrestrials wearing space suits. Dozens and dozens of them. Hundreds of them. Thousands. So many that they are getting in the way of my search for the outgassing propulsion explanation. They have to be based somewhere in solar system now. Someone needs to contact them to ask about the outgassing theory because it simply isn't adding up. 👽

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Greetings From Oumuamua

There are so many extraterrestrials on Oumuamua that it is going to take years to sort all of this scientific data out. Here is a nice example.

What Oumuamua Really Looks Like

In the following image, this is what scientists and government want you to think that Oumuamua looks like. There are tens of millions of images like this one flooding search engines around the world now. When you look up information about Oumuamua, this is the image you are greeted with every time, and now many other artist renditions. This is done to make you think that Oumuamua is a comet or an asteroid. Those are the two choices they have given you.

In the next image, this is what Oumuamua really looks like.

Does that look like an asteroid or a comet to you? Where is the so-called "outgassing" that scientists just spent years making the pieces fit to explain Oumuamua's propulsion? The hydrogen outgassing doesn't exist. If it did exist, we would see it. And even better, as you can see the object is not naturally occurring. You can tell just by looking at it with your own eyes and no astronomy experience that the object is not an asteroid or comet.

Let's look at it even closer.

This is what Oumuamua really looks like as taken by a professional telescope. I have marked areas of interest in the ship with red boxes to analyze years ago. Let's look at the top left red box and zoom in to see what is there.

Those are extraterrestrials in the red box looking at Earth at the precise moment the professional telescope on Earth was imaging them.

Now you have scientific visual proof that Oumuamua is not an asteroid, certainly not an outgassing comet, but is indeed an extraterrestrial ship.

It means Avi Loeb was right. It also means that there are thousands, possibly tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands or more extraterrestrials in our own solar system right now. They are interested in studying humans on Earth, and it is time for all human science to admit that truth.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Closeup Of Extraterrestrials Inside Their UFO/UAP (Oumuamua)

Today I had some pretty amazing entertainment and laughter reading about a group of scientists claiming they had "solved" the propulsion question of Oumuamua leaving the solar system after passing by Earth at just 15,000,000 miles at the object's apex trajectory to our planet. I just want to inform my readers that the propulsion question has already been solved by Avi Loeb, and it isn't outgassing by an asteroid or comet as governments want you to think it is.

Now, to prove Loeb right, the following picture is more breathtaking evidence of extraterrestrial life in one image than every government on Earth has ever released combined. Extraterrestrial life aboard Oumuamua. It is so detailed that you can see the ambient lighting of their computer screens.

Stay tuned; much more to come!

Argentina Military Aircraft UFO Encounter

A special thanks to the military of Argentina for releasing the film of this UFO encounter. This is the source frame from the film that I us...

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