Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Orthodox Skepticism Unleashed at King's College London

When orthodox skeptics go silent for a while in professional journals and the media, I know it is only a matter of time before they reappear with some statement of their own truth outlook about UFOs, UAP and Ufology, like they are attempting to save the human race from its own important critical thinking to the contrary. Hands down, no other topic drives the educated orthodox skeptic to write criticisms more so than does the Ufology topic.

Lucky for us, we got some new entertainment today from King's College London, with an article published that is titled: "Beliefs in alien visits to Earth is spiraling out of control - Here's why that's so dangerous."

I was going to write a rebuttal to this King's College London article, but frankly, I am too busy right now looking inside the Cygnus KIC 8462852 Dyson Sphere. And I already stated with voluminous scientific evidence that skepticism on this subject is no longer scientifically valid.

But given how entertaining this new article from King's College London was, I am dedicating yet more proof of extraterrestrial species and their technology to, you guessed it, King's College London.

They are from Cygnus, contrary to the author's claim from King's College London that there is no evidence of extraterrestrial life outside of our solar system.

Class is in session. I am the professor. Have a nice day.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Extraterrestrial Dyson Sphere Robotics

Here is an image of an extraterrestrial robot handling a device of unknown purpose. I have a red line beneath where the robotic arm is holding the device. This image is from the Cygnus Dyson Sphere located at Cygnus KIC 8462852.

The next image shows the location marked by a red line.

The more I study the extraterrestrials, it may be theoretically possible that the extraterrestrials have found a way to transfer their consciousness into robots. We could be dealing with a pure AI lifeform that is cloning intelligent species selectively that it encounters, while transferring the consciousness of those beings into robots to assist the advanced AI lifeform with its objectives in its near space and beyond.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

UAP Extraterrestrials

Special thanks to the United States Navy for providing this image. The US Navy couldn't see inside the UAP, so they released the image to the public. Luckily for us, my technology can see inside the ship and the extraterrestrials contained within.

There are dozens of extraterrestrials inside the UAP wearing space suits. They have to be extraterrestrials because our ships we send into space can only handle a few astronauts. Simple math, right?

At the moment this image was captured by the US Navy, these extraterrestrials were following a nuclear-powered US Navy nuclear submarine.

Click on the image to enlarge it on your HD computer monitor. Better yet, copy it and send it to all of your friends around the world so they can see the truth with their own eyes.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Repurposed Biological Units

As the name of this entry implies, I have determined that the extraterrestrials inside the Cygnus Dyson Sphere at Cygnus KIC 8462852 have long ago moved beyond "AI singularity" and have embraced what I call "Repurposed Biological Units" (RPU) status as they have integrated their own bodies with technology and have plugged their brains into the AI hivemind. That can be the only scientific explanation for what I am seeing. Every single one of these extraterrestrials is wearing computer equipment fused into their bodies with helmets plugged into their heads. The only logical reason for it is that they have created a true singularity with artificial intelligence and have repurposed their biological bodies to the benefit of the AI hivemind.

Just look inside this compartment of the Cygnus Dyson Sphere.

Let's brighten things up a little bit.

Now we'll zoom in just a touch.

Just look at that technology. Remember, the data source for this image is the starlight reflecting off of the Dyson Sphere at Cygnus KIC 8462852 which takes 2,500 to 3,000 years to reach Earth. You can just imagine what their technology looks like today. There are tens of thousands of them just in the section I am looking at, with potentially many millions of extraterrestrials spread out in the entire facility.

The scientific methods that I am using to extract this data is an absolute goldmine for data on the extraterrestrials. Click on the images to enlarge them on your own HD computer monitor.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Part 4)

Please read the previous posts The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Parts 1, 2 and 3) before this article to catch up.

In the previous articles that I posted on this topic, I showed how I located the Cygnus Dyson Sphere at the star location Cygnus KIC 8462852. I started with distance analysis of the facilities and then moved closer to give the viewer that actual experience of solving this difficult process. Then together we looked at the surface of the Cygnus Dyson Sphere to verify that it was intelligently constructed by either an extraterrestrial species or a collective of extraterrestrial species working together in an alliance. We were also able to determine that the facility likely is so large that it uses millions of tons of materials in its construction, and that it has areas of observation (windows) that we could look into in order to see what was inside.

The next step is to look inside. When I first started looking inside the Dyson Sphere at Cygnus, I understood right away that the universe would simply be a complete waste of space if we humans were the only intelligent life. I also had to grapple with the norms and beliefs that we humans have about our place in the universe. It was a healthy journey to think about those things and doesn't require changes to our beliefs in God and the positive values that humans share as we co-exist on our own planet. It ultimately just means that humans are not alone in the universe. There are, in scientific fact, others to co-exist with.

In the next image I am publishing is a look inside the Cygnus Dyson Sphere through one of the thousands of windows in just one area of the facility. The Dyson Sphere in Cygnus is staffed by potentially hundreds of thousands, if not millions of extraterrestrials. This first image will be followed by many more that will show the extraterrestrial species and their technology in detail.

Again, I will repeat that the location of the Dyson Sphere data source at KIC 8462852 is approximately 2,500 to 3,000 years old. That is how long it takes the star's light to travel to Earth from Cygnus KIC 8462852.

Your eyes may take a moment to adjust to the frequency of the image, and you can click on the image to enlarge it on your HD computer monitor. When your eyes do adjust, it will be difficult to look away from the extraterrestrials inside. The patches in white are reflections upon the window from the Cygnus KIC 8462852 star's light outlining other areas of the Dyson Sphere.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Part 3)

Please read the posts The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Parts 1 and 2) before this article to catch up.

One of the problems with digesting this proven science once seeing it is that people have been listening to state-sponsored declarations for decades that extraterrestrials do not exist. The special relationship between western scientists and government in this regard is also very unhelpful. You actually have scientists out there almost every day being interviewed claiming that extraterrestrials do not exist and there is no evidence for it. Another example, just the other day the Pentagon spokeswoman said that the entire American defense establishment has no evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Clearly, it is like the inquisition has returned. The only advice that I can give as a scientist is simply to ignore the propaganda and focus on the science, which is exactly what we are doing right here on this blog.

Now, when looking at the Cygnus Dyson Sphere up close, there is no denying its technological foundation and creation by highly advanced extraterrestrial species working together. Many of them. Millions of them. More than likely tens of billions overall.

This next image is what the exterior of the Cygnus Dyson Sphere looks like in a small area sample. Click on the image to enlarge it to your computer monitor.

Now, using the same image, I have highlighted an area with a red line where there are extraterrestrials sitting together inside a tube structure with windows looking outward. In a future blog entry, I will be posting closeups of them so that you can see what they look like.

The tube may be a ship that is docked or a break area for some of the crew of the Cygnus Dyson Sphere. The surface of the Cygnus Dyson Sphere, as you can see with your own eyes, is a technological and architectural wonder. There are layers of panels one on top of another with devices and storage tanks neatly compressed into virtually every space. It is a massive space facility that likely required billions of tons of equipment and materials to build.

There is one very important scientific fact to remember about this. The data from Cygnus KIC 8462852 takes approximately 2,500 to 3,000 years to reach Earth given the distance of the star from our solar system. 

All of the extraterrestrials then in this imaging are likely long gone by now and have expired. But the facility more than likely remains and is perhaps much larger. The technology the extraterrestrials are using will also be 3,000 years more advanced today than what we are seeing in this imaging.

Let that stir your mind as I prepare the next post in this series which will show you a sample of the extraterrestrial species in the space station that I captured through an observation area on the Cygnus Dyson Sphere.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Part 2)

 Please read The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Part 1) before proceeding with this entry.

Now that elevation was detected in the structure facing Earth from Cygnus KIC 8462852, it is important to familiarize with what is being seen. The elevation contrast distance can be seen in the light areas compared with the dark areas.

We want to see the closest areas of the extraterrestrial Dyson Sphere facility, so we filter the facility to see the details and then bring the facility closer for analysis without compromising the imaging data.

Moving closer.

Now we want to carefully move in even closer to see if we can see any part of the facility that is not possible to occur in nature. We are looking for any sign of intelligent design. With this extraterrestrial facility, the signature of intelligent design spans its entire formation. In the image below, I have isolated those areas with red boxes. You will see within the red boxes circular nodules that are formed into patterns. That proves intelligent designed. Behold.

You can click on the image to enlarge it on your computer monitor to see it in detail.

One of the patterns looks like petals of a flower. Let's bring it forward to look at it more closely.

Not only is it an intelligent pattern, but it also has multiple colors. This is precisely what we would expect to see in space in a facility created by extraterrestrial species. Oxygen. Photosynthesis. Water vapor. Life. Not just a small amount of life, but life on a very vast and sophisticated scale.

Next up in the follow-on post of The Cygnus Dyson Sphere (Part 3), the closeup of the exterior of the extraterrestrial space station.

Argentina Military Aircraft UFO Encounter

A special thanks to the military of Argentina for releasing the film of this UFO encounter. This is the source frame from the film that I us...

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