Thursday, February 16, 2023

The James Webb Telescope Program Is Hiding The Truth

They know what is located at Cygnus KIC 8462852. That is why there are no published images of the location from the James Webb telescope program.

Can the people handle the truth? I think they can.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Cygnus Dyson Sphere Extraterrestrials

One point of origin of extraterrestrials visiting Earth that I have now confirmed is Cygnus KIC 8462852. I will be posting an image of the large facility they have built around the star later. Using a new imaging technology, I have been processing images from inside the facility using areas of observation that the extraterrestrials are using. What I am learning from this is the sheer scope of the problem that Earth faces in relation to the proven existence of these advanced species. In the image below from the space station, you can see them clearly sitting at what appears to be a recharging station for robotic AI integration. I would recommend studying this image carefully and the images I will be posting going forward. The evidence points to an expanding artificial intelligence awareness spreading across the known universe.

The data used for this image is 2,500-3,000 years old as captured by the KIC 8462852 sun's light source. That is how long it takes light to travel from there to Earth. You can just use your imagination to think about how far along their technology must be now since this data is 3,000 years old.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Extraterrestrial Tech Interface Integration With Artificial Intelligence

The extraterrestrials have made the leap between using separate tech terminals as we use computer systems to interface their bodies with computer hardware directly to connect it to an artificial intelligence source. The image below of them using this technology as a group is the best example of seeing how this works.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Foreign Drones, Trash In The Sky, Weather Balloons And Swamp Gas

 The lies keep coming in reports released to the public. Let's look at the truth, the truth of the extraterrestrial multispecies alliance watching Earth.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Looking Through A UFO's Window At Extraterrestrials

I found a window of observation in a UFO and ran very high frequency stealth detection on the location. Given that this UFO was moving around in our solar system and captured in imaging by the ESA (European Space Agency), I can only conclude based upon the scientific evidence that the numerous extraterrestrial astronauts that are located on this UFO indicates that they have a base or multiple bases in our own solar system. When I read that NASA has put together a team of leading scientists to "study" the possibility of extraterrestrial life, UFOs and UAP, and when I read that SETI is using some new technique looking into distant galaxies for radio signals that might indicate advanced life, how are we scientists missing the fact that the evidence is right underneath our collective noses?

See for yourselves.

Absolutely incredible scientific evidence. Now the image above takes advantage of the ambient light that is generated on their ship and UHF stealth detection. Positing a guess, I am thinking that their own sunlight is from a red star. They are sensitive to yellow light from our sun. In the next image to see their equipment better I removed the light to penetrate inside the ship and you can get a really good look at their equipment, the symbols manufactured into it, and many of their astronauts wearing helmets and sitting inside chambers. The image below is the same location but shows the depth scan of the location through the window.


Argentina Military Aircraft UFO Encounter

A special thanks to the military of Argentina for releasing the film of this UFO encounter. This is the source frame from the film that I us...

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