Monday, June 20, 2022

Oumuamua Is An Extraterrestrial Ship

Some scientists have called Oumuamua a comet. Others have claimed that it is an asteroid. The science does not back up those claims however because as the interstellar visitor passed through our solar system it did something that no comet or asteroid has ever done before under human observation. Oumuamua left the solar system accelerating using an increased velocity that can only be scientifically explained as a propulsion under its own power. The only scientific leader to publicly announce this artificial propulsion backed up by math was Dr. Avi Loeb from Harvard University. UFOlogists should read Dr. Loeb's book "Extraterrestrial" that covers this important information.

I have been following Dr. Loeb's work on Oumuamua and several years ago I acquired professional telescope imaging data that was taken of the object as it passed at its closest apex point to Earth, approximately 15,000,000 miles away. Using new tech imaging procedures that I developed, I was able to first capture some really good imaging of the external composition of Oumuamua, and once I determined that it was, in fact, an extraterrestrial ship, combed the surface of the vessel for areas of observation to look inside.

It has been my ongoing scientific experience that every extraterrestrial ship that undergoes analysis by myself has areas of observation, meaning areas where the extraterrestrials gather and look outside the ship to conduct their own observations of the universe. It wouldn't make any sense for an advanced species not to do that. On Earth, humans fly around in cylindrical metal tubes with small windows that are called commercial passenger aircraft. Unless you have a window seat, areas of observation are very limited for passengers. The extraterrestrials however, grounded in science, would never move across great distances in the universe without the capability to observe.

Knowing this, we will be discussing Oumuamua at great length in the coming weeks and months, supported by excellent imaging of the interior of some parts of the extraterrestrial ship. I begin with this image of an extraterrestrial sitting inside a cupola style workspace, connected to mechanical arms that are being used to operate controls for some purpose. You can see the robotic arm in the lower left of the image as it rests on a gear box. The extraterrestrial is wearing equipment on its head that may portend some type of telepathic control over the equipment as it is being operated. There is also an abundance of extraterrestrial symbols on the equipment. Again, this image was processed using professional telescope data from the PannStars 1 telescope based in Hawaii.

There is much more to come and I hope that you enjoy this proof of extraterrestrial construction and operation of "Oumuamua".

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