Saturday, July 2, 2022

Extraterrestrial Dyson Sphere

When looking at a foreign star from Earth that extraterrestrials are building a Dyson Sphere around it, this is what it looks like. A massive space complex. This is a great source image for any human scientists that would like to examine an extraterrestrial Dyson Sphere.

When looking at Type II extraterrestrial civilizations such as this, closer examination allows for verification of botanical and non-botanical life forms onboard. This is accomplished by looking for artificially constructed patterns in the construction of the Dyson Sphere and then using filters to check for methane, oxygen and carbon monoxide/dioxide emissions inside the structure. I have placed a red box around one such intelligently designed structure and filtered it to give an example of how the presence of gases in a structure in space can only mean extraterrestrial advanced life. Once located, closer examination will show the extraterrestrials and their ships coming and going from the facility, as well as those living inside for long periods of time.


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