Sunday, July 10, 2022

US Navy Imaging Proof Of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth

There are so many examples of official US military imaging of real extraterrestrials visiting Earth that it would take me decades to process it all from the official sources. It is just breathtaking how much proof is there just waiting to be seen. Now you would think that western science would dive right into this, but they do not. On the contrary, western science has created a multilayered discipline of dismissing any such information without even looking at it. How they did it and still do it today is through the utilization of specific labels that run parallel with the technology developed by humans. When UFOs started to appear frequently in response to World War II and human military operations, the technological explanation back in those days was "weather balloons". It was the simplest explanation to satisfy a non-scientific public. Just launch a weather balloon, classify it as something important, and get some military officers to give media interviews showing pieces of a crashed weather balloon. Then in areas where the utilization of weather balloons was not practical due to distances from military bases, swamp gas as an explanation seemed to work well. If that didn't work, then blame it on magnetic anomalies caused by small earthquakes that create lights in the sky. Project Bluebook science was an expert at it.

Today, the new technology explanation is "drones". As UFOs are flying circles around our latest, most technologically advanced generations of jet fighters whose pilots are stunned speaking over the radio that they can't keep up with them and the craft have impossible aerodynamics and acceleration, someone in charge decided the best way to explain that away to the unsuspecting public was to classify all such sightings as drones. The immediate scientific problem with that claim that I won't even waste my time on because it simply isn't true is the fact that right now as we speak the fastest drone in the US inventory only travels at 400 miles per hour. Were any drone in our inventory to fly 8,000, 10,000 or 20,000 miles per hour as these craft do, the wings would melt off and disintegrate. The same with the newest jet fighters that we have. The material science to make these fighters would see the wings melt right off the planes due to friction caused in flight in the atmosphere. But again, the public seems to like the drone explanation and doesn't appear to be asking very many questions about it.

But we scientists and UFOlogists simply aren't buying it, given the clear evidence to the contrary. Take the following image for example sourced by the US Navy. I am not seeing a weather balloon and certainly not swamp gas. I am however seeing a fully staffed extraterrestrial crew onboard the craft that was filmed by US Navy personnel over the Atlantic Ocean.

See for yourself. Click to enlarge to fit your full monitor screen.


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