Tuesday, November 26, 2024

USS Roosevelt GOFAST UFO/UAP Extraterrestrial Crew Closeup In Color

Recently the US Congress held another round of hearings on the UFO/UAP extraterrestrials operating on Earth with their advanced technology. In that hearing it was discussed that the UFO that US Navy pilots encountered from the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier and codenamed "GOFAST" was studied and determined to be flying at 13,000 feet above sea level, with the aircraft locking their ATFLIR sensors on the craft flying at 25,000 feet.

Not even skeptics can deny the existence of this GOFAST UFO, and film capture by the US Navy of the extraterrestrial spacecraft. Now, in terms of my interaction with such US Navy film, it is very valuable to my work, especially films taken using the ATFLIR sensors installed in the US Navy jet fighters. Even though the film is in greyscale, the data in the film can be processed by me into color film, which I will show you now.

Using this US Navy film of the GOFAST UFO, I am able to get closeups of the extraterrestrial crew of the GOFAST.

The first area of the GOFAST ship that I am posting imaging about is the command-and-control area of the ship. In this location you can see portrait close imaging of the aliens that are operating the ship. They are standing next to one of their ship's control panels which appears to be an overlay of the drivetrain power source of the GOFAST UFO. There should be engineers out there than can figure out how the drivetrain of the UFO works with this information, and other imaging I will be posting on this UFO in the future.

Don't let cognitive dissonance get in the way of the truth. UFOs and extraterrestrials are here on Earth right now. My work has been proving it for years.

Here are some of the GOFAST extraterrestrial crew, filmed in real time by the US Navy pilots using the new ATFLIR sensor system in their jet fighter.

Here is a top-down pan-out of the GOFAST extraterrestrial ship crew section. I looked at every extraterrestrial onboard the ship to confirm their species assignment, and didn't detect any humans onboard. Their technology is also non-human in origin.

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