Thursday, July 28, 2022

Cygnus Space Station: Reptilian Extraterrestrial

Here is an excellent full facial of an extraterrestrial with reptilian evolutionary eyes.

Cygnus Space Station: Multiple Extraterrestrial Species Working On The Station In An Alliance

Here is a nice image of extraterrestrials working together in an alliance on their space station in Cygnus. The image data for this image sample is approximately 2500 years old given how long it took for the light source for this image to travel to Earth. Nonetheless, it is a remarkable sample of the extraterrestrials there. Click on the images to enlarge them on your HD computer monitor and let your eyes adjust to the frequency of the image.

Here is a pan out of the same location.

Here is a further pan out of the same location.

Here is the full pan out of the source location. Extraterrestrial artificial intelligence integration. Projected data source is 2500 years old. Cygnus KIC 8462852. Potentially an artificial intelligence activity expanding in the universe. Independent autonomous space station. Location of source evolutionary planets for all of these extraterrestrial species is as of yet undetected. Source of artificial intelligence evolutionary path is also unknown.

Western Science Affirmation Bias

All observer's points of view are valid unless they become intentionally or unintentionally blinded in the process of conducting a specific observation. In modern science, however, existential physics is the cure for all forms of scientific willful blindness. Western scientists know this, so they have created their own form of affirmation bias. This includes not looking at scientific evidence at all, or scaling standards in order to avoid subjects that make them tremble. Scaling standards insofar as scientific evidence of UFOs is pretty straight forward for western science. The first step that western science uses is to claim that it collectively does not suffer from affirmation bias and is open to all evidence. Then when evidence is presented, western science claims that it is not the correct evidence. The evidence cannot be visual, they claim. It must be something delivered by extraterrestrials in math equations. The second step western science uses for affirmation bias purposes, is the "pop the hatch open" step. Even if you were to drop an extraterrestrial math equation that was never seen before into the laps of western science, they would shrug and say that is still not proof. They will say we will see proof when the hatch of the extraterrestrial ship pops open. This all means that scientific evidence in terms of UFOs and extraterrestrials is a constantly changing, unsettled scientific standard to which no one knows what the standard actually is and who to report scientific data to.

I am asked why I do not take the breathtaking imaging I process to "experts" for evaluation. To summarize, there are no experts. There are those in western science with scientific expertise to readily apply themselves to this scientific data, but they refuse to. There are many qualified individuals who can make a professional judgment about the subject, but publicly and openly project affirmation bias that extraterrestrials do not exist because they are fearful of religions and naysayers, fearful of the fact that there are other species of advanced life in the universe, and fearful of what the social and societal implications of what that really means. They do not want to get caught up in the storm of what would come when the world was forced to look at itself in the mirror and shed thousands of years of its own biases. Only courageous people could grab the reins of that problem when it emerged. It is understandable then why professional scientists avoid the subject. There is also the problem of who has the wreckage and what is being done with it. We are talking about technology that could propel the human race forward thousands, if not millions of years. No corporation or government entity that has control over physical extraterrestrial technology is going to share it with the public, democracy or not. The mere thought of it is antifreedom. The corporations will reverse engineer it, patent it, and make $trillions of dollars in profits from it as they are doing right now. It is their sacred cow, and they are worshipping it every day.

What I am concluding then is that I don't waste my time sending images of extraterrestrials to scientists or anyone the public or anyone else claims to be an expert on the subject. No one is an expert on the work I am doing, not even me. The only conclusion I draw to this point is that we are seeing extraterrestrial life and technology, and I welcome any serious scientific inquiry without judgment.


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Extraterrestrial GIMBAL Crew (Non-Human)

When I was watching the video of the US Navy fighter pilot chasing the GIMBAL spaceship flying over the Atlantic Ocean, I knew this would be a priority for the military to identify who made it and who was staffing it, if an alliance existed for that purpose. The GIMBAL technology is just so far beyond anything seen on Earth.

The good news is that the GIMBAL spaceship was not built by any country on Earth. In the following image the builders of the GIMBAL spaceship are present and flying the craft. I do not know yet where they are from, but I am working on that question. They are not from Earth.

GIMBAL Extraterrestrial Equipment

Infrared to see the equipment on the GIMBAL extraterrestrial ship. Look at all those illuminated buttons and computer screens.

USS Theodore Roosevelt GIMBAL Extraterrestrial Crew

In 2014 - 2015, US pilots flying over the Atlantic Ocean conducted visual recordings of UFOs. One such incident recorded was called GIMBAL. The pilots that witnessed the events were attached to the aircraft carrier strike group, the USS Theodore Roosevelt. I am going to post images of the crew of the GIMBAL extraterrestrial ship in response to US Air Force General Glen VanHerck's announcement that he has never seen a UFO or any extraterrestrials. As the Commander of NORAD, General VanHerck deserves to see with his own eyes the visitors to our planet from distant solar systems in our galaxy. We are pleased to provide the information.

Here is some of the extraterrestrial crew inside GIMBAL. I spent a considerable amount of time looking for "Made in USA" tags inside the GIMBAL ship, but there was none. There isn't any human created symbols of any kind inside the ship. When looking at the images I am going to post on GIMBAL, if you find any "Made in USA" stamps anywhere, by all means, let me know.

One important detail about these ships that I have noticed when looking inside them is the sheer amount of computer screens they have that they are using to transmit communication's data to other extraterrestrials in other locations. That means the ships have communications emissions that are so far to this point undetected, or publicly stated that such communications are undetected. Nonetheless, they are communicating with video feeds, so communications are happening.

I am not seeing any US Air Force patches on their uniforms and space suits. I am also not seeing any US Navy insignia or emblems. I have also not found any evidence whatsoever that their equipment was made in any other country. Some of the crew are pretty tiny too so I don't think they would qualify to join the US military because of the height requirements.

The next image is the GIMBAL ship after I removed the extraterrestrial's stealth technology.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Oumuamua: HD View Of Extraterrestrial Crew Workspace

The following image is a crew compartment workspace on Oumuamua that is fully staffed by different extraterrestrial species and advanced artificial intelligence autonomous robots. After defeating the extraterrestrial stealth technology which they hide behind, I ran the image in infrared to bring out the details in HD. I have included the infrared image slide as the second image below. Click on the images to enlarge them. You can literally see the buttons on their equipment, their space suits, and most importantly, what they look like. Most of them appear to be humanoid with slightly different physical compositions than humans. This might mean they evolved on planets in foreign solar systems with conditions close to what Earth features. You can make your own determinations about that after viewing this amazing scientific evidence.

Here is the infrared image slide that I used to see everything in this section of their ship once I removed their stealth technology.

Argentina Military Aircraft UFO Encounter

A special thanks to the military of Argentina for releasing the film of this UFO encounter. This is the source frame from the film that I us...

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